Absorption 吸收
Adventitia 外膜層
Alimentary canal / gastrointestinal tract 消化管 / 腸胃道
Alveolar bone 齒槽骨
Ampulla of Vater / hepatopancreatic ampulla 泛特氏(肝胰)壺腹
Amylase, pancreatic 胰澱粉酶
Amylase, salivary 唾液(涎)澱粉酶
Anal canal 肛門管
Anus 肛門
Bile 膽汁
Bile capillaries (canaliculi) 微小膽管
Bile ducts 膽管
Bile pigments 膽色素
Bile salts 膽鹽
Bilirubin 膽紅素
Bilirubin, conjugated 結合膽紅素
Bilirubin, unconjugated 非結合膽紅素
Biliverdin 膽綠素
Bolus 食團
Brunner's glands 布路納氏腺
Caecum 盲腸
Canine 犬齒
Cardiac orifice 賁門
Cardiac sphincter 賁門括約肌
Casein 酪蛋白
Caseinogen 酪蛋白原
Cells, chief 主細胞
Cells, parietal 壁細胞
Cement 堊質
Central vein 中央靜脈
Centre, feeding 進食中樞
Centre, satiety 飽食中樞
Cholecystokinin 膽囊收縮素
Cholesterol 膽固醇
Chyme 食糜
Chymotrypsin 胰凝乳蛋白酶
Chymotrypsinogen 胰凝乳蛋白酶原
Colic flexure, left / splenic flexure 結腸左(脾)曲
Colic flexure, right / hepatic flexure 結腸右(肝)曲
Colon 結腸
Colon, ascending 升結腸
Colon, descending 降結腸
Colon, sigmoid (pelvic) 乙狀結腸
Colon, transverse 橫結腸
Common bile duct 總膽管/ 輸膽總管
Common hepatic duct 總肝管
Curvature, greater 胃大彎
Curvature, lesser 胃小彎
Cystic duct 膽囊管
Deamination of protein 蛋白質去氨作用
Defecation 排糞
Deglutition 吞嚥
Deglutition center 吞嚥中心
Dentine 象牙質
Dentition 齒列
Digestion, accessory organs of 副消化器官
Digestion, chemical 化學性消化
Digestion, mechanical 機械性消化
Digestive enzymes 消化酶
Digestive glands 消化腺
Duodenal glands 十二指腸腺
Duodenum 十二指腸
Emulsification 乳化作用
Enamel 琺瑯質
Enterogastrin 腸促胃泌素
Enterogastrone 腸抑胃泌素
Enterokinase 腸活素 / 腸激動酶
Erepsin 腸蛋白酶
Factor, extrinsic 胃外因素
Factor, intrinsic 胃內因素
Gall bladder 膽囊
Gastric glands 胃腺
Gastric juice 胃液
Gastric mucin 胃粘液素
Gastrin 促胃泌素
Gastro-colic reflex 胃結腸反射
Gastrointestinal hormones 胃腸激素
Gingivae / Gums 齒齦
Gland, parotid 腮腺
Gland, sublingual 舌下腺
Gland, submandibular 頜下腺
Gluconeogenesis 糖質新生
Glycogen 肝醣
Glycogenesis 糖質生成
Glycolysis 醣解作用
Heparin 肝素
Hydrochloric acid 鹽酸
Ileocaecal valve 迴盲瓣
Ileum 迴腸
Incisor 門齒
Intestine juice 腸液
Intestine, large 大腸
Intestine, small 小腸
Jejunum 空腸
Kupffer’s cells 庫弗氏細胞
Lactase 乳糖酶
Lamina propria 固有層
Lieberkuhn’s glands 李氏腺
Ligament, falciform 鐮狀韌帶
Ligament, triangular 三角韌帶
Lingual frenulum 舌繫帶
Lipase, gastric 胃解脂酵素/胃脂酶
Lipase, pancreatic 胰解脂酵素/胰脂酶
Liver 肝
Liver sinusoids 肝竇狀隙
Liver, caudate lobe of 肝尾葉
Liver, left lobe of 肝左葉
Liver, lobe of 肝葉
Liver, lobule of 肝小葉
Liver, quadrate lobe of 肝方葉
Liver, right lobe of 肝右葉
Maltase 麥芽糖酵素
Mastication 咀嚼
Meckel’s diverticulum 梅克耳氏(迴腸)憩室
Meissner’s plexus 梅氏神經叢
Mesentery 腸繫膜
Mesocolon 結腸繫膜
Molar 臼齒
Myenteric plexus 腸間肌神經叢
Nuclease 核酸酵素
Oesophageal hiatus 食道裂孔
Oesophagus 食道
Omentum 網膜
Omentum, greater 大網膜
Omentum, lesser 小網膜
Oral cavity 口腔
Palate, hard 硬顎
Palate, soft 軟顎
Palatoglossal arch 顎舌弓
Palatopharyngeal arch 顎咽弓
Pancreas 胰腺 / 胰臟
Pancreatic duct 胰腺管
Pancreatic juice 胰液
Pancreozymin 胰激素
Papillae, filiform 絲狀乳頭
Papillae, fungiform 蕈狀乳頭
Papillae, vallate 輪廓乳頭
Pepsin 胃液素 / 胃蛋白酶
Pepsinogen 胃液素原
Peptides & polypeptides 胜類及多胜類
Periodontal ligament 牙周韌帶
Peristalsis 腸蠕動
Peritoneal cavity 腹膜腔
Peritoneum 腹膜
Peritoneum, parietal 腹膜壁層
Peritoneum, visceral 腹膜臟層
Phase, cephalic 腦期
Phase, gastric 胃期
Phase, intestinal 腸期
Premolar 前臼齒
Ptyalin 涎液素/涎酵素
Pyloric antrum 幽門竇
Pyloric orifice 幽門
Pyloric sphincter 幽門括約肌
Rectum 直腸
Rennin 胃凝乳酶
Rugae 皺襞
Saliva 涎液 / 唾液
Salivary glands 唾液(涎)腺
Secretin 腸促胰泌素
Segmentation 分節運動
Serosa 漿膜層
Somatostatin 體制素
Sphincter of Oddi 俄狄氏括約肌
Stercobilinogen 糞膽素原
Stomach 胃
Stomach, body of 胃體
Stomach, curvatures of 胃彎
Stomach, fundus of 胃底
Submucosa 黏膜下層
Submucous plexus 黏膜下神經叢
Sucrase 蔗糖轉化酵素
Taenia coli 結腸帶
Teeth 牙齒
Teeth, apical foramen of 根尖孔
Teeth, crown of 齒冠
Teeth, deciduous 乳齒
Teeth, neck of 齒頸
Teeth, permanent 恆齒
Teeth, pulp cavity of 髓腔
Teeth, pulp of 齒髓
Teeth, root canal of 根管
Teeth, root of 齒根
Tongue 舌
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶
Trypsinogen 胰蛋白酶原
Uvula 懸壅垂
Vermiform appendix 闌尾
Villi 絨毛
Adventitia 外膜層
Alimentary canal / gastrointestinal tract 消化管 / 腸胃道
Alveolar bone 齒槽骨
Ampulla of Vater / hepatopancreatic ampulla 泛特氏(肝胰)壺腹
Amylase, pancreatic 胰澱粉酶
Amylase, salivary 唾液(涎)澱粉酶
Anal canal 肛門管
Anus 肛門
Bile 膽汁
Bile capillaries (canaliculi) 微小膽管
Bile ducts 膽管
Bile pigments 膽色素
Bile salts 膽鹽
Bilirubin 膽紅素
Bilirubin, conjugated 結合膽紅素
Bilirubin, unconjugated 非結合膽紅素
Biliverdin 膽綠素
Bolus 食團
Brunner's glands 布路納氏腺
Caecum 盲腸
Canine 犬齒
Cardiac orifice 賁門
Cardiac sphincter 賁門括約肌
Casein 酪蛋白
Caseinogen 酪蛋白原
Cells, chief 主細胞
Cells, parietal 壁細胞
Cement 堊質
Central vein 中央靜脈
Centre, feeding 進食中樞
Centre, satiety 飽食中樞
Cholecystokinin 膽囊收縮素
Cholesterol 膽固醇
Chyme 食糜
Chymotrypsin 胰凝乳蛋白酶
Chymotrypsinogen 胰凝乳蛋白酶原
Colic flexure, left / splenic flexure 結腸左(脾)曲
Colic flexure, right / hepatic flexure 結腸右(肝)曲
Colon 結腸
Colon, ascending 升結腸
Colon, descending 降結腸
Colon, sigmoid (pelvic) 乙狀結腸
Colon, transverse 橫結腸
Common bile duct 總膽管/ 輸膽總管
Common hepatic duct 總肝管
Curvature, greater 胃大彎
Curvature, lesser 胃小彎
Cystic duct 膽囊管
Deamination of protein 蛋白質去氨作用
Defecation 排糞
Deglutition 吞嚥
Deglutition center 吞嚥中心
Dentine 象牙質
Dentition 齒列
Digestion, accessory organs of 副消化器官
Digestion, chemical 化學性消化
Digestion, mechanical 機械性消化
Digestive enzymes 消化酶
Digestive glands 消化腺
Duodenal glands 十二指腸腺
Duodenum 十二指腸
Emulsification 乳化作用
Enamel 琺瑯質
Enterogastrin 腸促胃泌素
Enterogastrone 腸抑胃泌素
Enterokinase 腸活素 / 腸激動酶
Erepsin 腸蛋白酶
Factor, extrinsic 胃外因素
Factor, intrinsic 胃內因素
Gall bladder 膽囊
Gastric glands 胃腺
Gastric juice 胃液
Gastric mucin 胃粘液素
Gastrin 促胃泌素
Gastro-colic reflex 胃結腸反射
Gastrointestinal hormones 胃腸激素
Gingivae / Gums 齒齦
Gland, parotid 腮腺
Gland, sublingual 舌下腺
Gland, submandibular 頜下腺
Gluconeogenesis 糖質新生
Glycogen 肝醣
Glycogenesis 糖質生成
Glycolysis 醣解作用
Heparin 肝素
Hydrochloric acid 鹽酸
Ileocaecal valve 迴盲瓣
Ileum 迴腸
Incisor 門齒
Intestine juice 腸液
Intestine, large 大腸
Intestine, small 小腸
Jejunum 空腸
Kupffer’s cells 庫弗氏細胞
Lactase 乳糖酶
Lamina propria 固有層
Lieberkuhn’s glands 李氏腺
Ligament, falciform 鐮狀韌帶
Ligament, triangular 三角韌帶
Lingual frenulum 舌繫帶
Lipase, gastric 胃解脂酵素/胃脂酶
Lipase, pancreatic 胰解脂酵素/胰脂酶
Liver 肝
Liver sinusoids 肝竇狀隙
Liver, caudate lobe of 肝尾葉
Liver, left lobe of 肝左葉
Liver, lobe of 肝葉
Liver, lobule of 肝小葉
Liver, quadrate lobe of 肝方葉
Liver, right lobe of 肝右葉
Maltase 麥芽糖酵素
Mastication 咀嚼
Meckel’s diverticulum 梅克耳氏(迴腸)憩室
Meissner’s plexus 梅氏神經叢
Mesentery 腸繫膜
Mesocolon 結腸繫膜
Molar 臼齒
Myenteric plexus 腸間肌神經叢
Nuclease 核酸酵素
Oesophageal hiatus 食道裂孔
Oesophagus 食道
Omentum 網膜
Omentum, greater 大網膜
Omentum, lesser 小網膜
Oral cavity 口腔
Palate, hard 硬顎
Palate, soft 軟顎
Palatoglossal arch 顎舌弓
Palatopharyngeal arch 顎咽弓
Pancreas 胰腺 / 胰臟
Pancreatic duct 胰腺管
Pancreatic juice 胰液
Pancreozymin 胰激素
Papillae, filiform 絲狀乳頭
Papillae, fungiform 蕈狀乳頭
Papillae, vallate 輪廓乳頭
Pepsin 胃液素 / 胃蛋白酶
Pepsinogen 胃液素原
Peptides & polypeptides 胜類及多胜類
Periodontal ligament 牙周韌帶
Peristalsis 腸蠕動
Peritoneal cavity 腹膜腔
Peritoneum 腹膜
Peritoneum, parietal 腹膜壁層
Peritoneum, visceral 腹膜臟層
Phase, cephalic 腦期
Phase, gastric 胃期
Phase, intestinal 腸期
Premolar 前臼齒
Ptyalin 涎液素/涎酵素
Pyloric antrum 幽門竇
Pyloric orifice 幽門
Pyloric sphincter 幽門括約肌
Rectum 直腸
Rennin 胃凝乳酶
Rugae 皺襞
Saliva 涎液 / 唾液
Salivary glands 唾液(涎)腺
Secretin 腸促胰泌素
Segmentation 分節運動
Serosa 漿膜層
Somatostatin 體制素
Sphincter of Oddi 俄狄氏括約肌
Stercobilinogen 糞膽素原
Stomach 胃
Stomach, body of 胃體
Stomach, curvatures of 胃彎
Stomach, fundus of 胃底
Submucosa 黏膜下層
Submucous plexus 黏膜下神經叢
Sucrase 蔗糖轉化酵素
Taenia coli 結腸帶
Teeth 牙齒
Teeth, apical foramen of 根尖孔
Teeth, crown of 齒冠
Teeth, deciduous 乳齒
Teeth, neck of 齒頸
Teeth, permanent 恆齒
Teeth, pulp cavity of 髓腔
Teeth, pulp of 齒髓
Teeth, root canal of 根管
Teeth, root of 齒根
Tongue 舌
Trypsin 胰蛋白酶
Trypsinogen 胰蛋白酶原
Uvula 懸壅垂
Vermiform appendix 闌尾
Villi 絨毛